The sudden and temporary surge in revenues generated by medical device companies due to the COVID-19 pandemic makes it hard for them to maintain subsequent high revenues. Also, the centralized drug procurement policy implemented has had a sweeping impact on China. Therefore, there's no doubt that oversea expansion and the development of innovative products with foresight have become pressing priorities.
Steve Jobs once said, "A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them."
Like the emergence of iPhone, a product geek will bring about a dramatic change in the entire industry. The next decade is considered to be the era of the medical industry, and we believe that there will be a disruptor in the industry. The IHMD Summit hopes to find a "product geek" in China's medical device industry, to redefine domestic medical devices, and to enhance the global influence of domestic devices. The emergence of a disruptive domestic medical device product will mark the real beginning of the replacement of domestic products for foreign products.
grown in size
grown in sales
downstream players
Main Session;
Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Intervention;
Orthopedic& Dental;
Medical Device 4.0;
Museum of Medical Devices
85+ Medical Device Exhibitors
Matchmaking Meetings
BSA-M Future Star
-Best Investment Value Award
BSA-M Future Star
-Best Product of the Year Award
Supply chain logistics companies /
Software equipment suppliers /
Medical material manufacturers /
Medical packaging / manufacturers
Medical device incubators /
Medical manufacturing automation suppliers