Borscon Autonomous Driving Industry Summit 2018
May 17th-18th, 2018, Shanghai China

10% OFF discount for two delegates20% OFF discount for three or more

Event Background

Computer vision, algorithmic decision-making, on-board chips, deep learning…With groundbreaking technologies and deeper research, more and more companies are working on autonomous driving. 13 of the top 14 OEMs have announced to join the race and to partner with universities, research institutes and techgiants. Meanwhile, their internet counterparts are proactively developing autonomous driving system by leveraging their strengths in data analytics. Tier 1 suppliers and emerging players in the new supply chain are busy fighting for a share of the action, while established gurus keep making new moves.

However, for both established players and late comers, efforts need to be made in revolutionizing some key technologies and redesigning business models. It is against such a context that we decide to hold the 2018 Autonomous Driving Industry Summit on May 17-18, 2018, in Shanghai China, to address some of the much-discussed topics such as ADAS, environment perception, algorithmic decision-making, sharing cars + autonomous driving, by convening industry leaders and experts from OEMs, part suppliers, sensor, processor and algorithm vendors, as well as technology companies.

We are convinced that this summit will be a premium platform to exchange ideas.

Agenda at a Glance
  • May 17th, 2018 Thursday
  • 08:00 Registration Opens
  • 09:00 Sessions
  • 12:10 Luncheon
  • 13:30 Sessions
  • 18:20 End of Day One
  • May 18th, 2018 Friday
  • 08:30 Registration Opens
  • 09:00 Sessions
  • 12:10 Luncheon
  • 13:30 Sessions
  • 17:20 End of the Summit

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